availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: required example: present homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: present search: true synonyms: missing version: present bibtex: Hoehndorf2015 contact: email: ali.syed@kaust.edu.sa github: aliraza995 name: Ali Syed orcid: 0000-0002-5103-9058 description: AberOWL is a framework for ontology-based access to biological data. It consists of a repository of bio-ontologies, a set of webservices which provide access to OWL(-EL) reasoning over the ontologies, and several frontends which utilise the ontology repository and reasoning services to provide access to specific biological datasets. download: http://aber-owl.net/api/ontology/?format=json example: CHEBI governance: accepts_external_contributions: false code_repository: null comments: null curates: false curation: import data_repository: null imports: true issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: http://aber-owl.net license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/339 name: AberOWL prefix: aberowl provider_uri_format: http://aber-owl.net/ontology/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup resolver_uri_format: http://aber-owl.net/ontology/$1/#/Browse/ search_uri_format: http://aber-owl.net/#/$1/Ontologies