availability: alternate_providers: present contact: present description: present example: missing homepage: present license: present name: required pattern: present provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bioregistry_prefix: bartoc contact: email: andreas.ledl1@fhnw.ch github: nichtich name: Andreas Ledl orcid: 0000-0002-0629-0446 description: "The Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC)\ \ is a database of Knowledge Organization Systems and KOS related registries.\\\ nThe main goal of BARTOC is to list as many Knowledge Organization Systems as possible\ \ at one place in order to achieve greater visibility, highlight their features,\ \ make them searchable and comparable, and foster knowledge sharing. BARTOC includes\ \ any kind of KOS from any subject area, in any language, any publication format,\ \ and any form of accessibility. BARTOC\u2019s search interface is available in\ \ 20 European languages and provides two search options: Basic Search by keywords,\ \ and Advanced Search by taxonomy terms. A circle of editors has gathered around\ \ BARTOC from all across Europe and BARTOC has been approved by the International\ \ Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)." download: https://bartoc.org/data/dumps/latest.ndjson example: '241' governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/gbv/bartoc.org comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/gbv/bartoc.org/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: public scope: general status: active homepage: https://bartoc.org/ license: PDDL 1.0 name: Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications prefix: bartoc provider_uri_format: https://bartoc.org/en/node/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: BARTOC