availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Ison2013 bioregistry_prefix: edam.data contact: email: matus.kalas@uib.no github: matuskalas name: "Mat\xFA\u0161 Kala\u0161" orcid: 0000-0002-1509-4981 description: EDAM is a comprehensive ontology of well-established, familiar concepts that are prevalent within computational biology, bioinformatics, and bioimage informatics. EDAM includes types of data and data identifiers, data formats, operations, and topics related to data analysis in life sciences. EDAM provides a set of concepts with preferred terms and synonyms, related terms, definitions, and other information - organised into a simple and intuitive hierarchy for convenient use. download: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl example: '1004' governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology comments: null curates: true curation: community data_repository: https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: Life Sciences status: active homepage: ' http://edamontology.org' license: CC BY-SA 4.0 name: EDAM Ontology prefix: edam provider_uri_format: http://edamontology.org/data_$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: EDAM