availability: alternate_providers: present contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: missing name: missing pattern: missing provider: required search: false synonyms: missing version: missing contact: email: richard@cyganiak.de github: cygri name: Richard Cyganiak orcid: 0000-0001-9950-5209 description: A web-developer centric archive of prefixes and URI prefixes download: https://prefix.cc/context.jsonld example: foaf governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/cygri/prefix.cc/ comments: null curates: true curation: community data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/cygri/prefix.cc/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: democratic scope: general status: active homepage: https://prefix.cc/ license: CC0 name: Prefix.cc prefix: prefixcc provider_uri_format: https://prefix.cc/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true