availability: alternate_providers: present contact: missing description: present example: present homepage: present license: missing name: required pattern: present provider: present search: true synonyms: present version: missing bibtex: prefixcommons bioregistry_prefix: prefixcommons contact: email: michel.dumontier@gmail.com github: micheldumontier name: Michel Dumontier orcid: 0000-0003-4727-9435 description: A registry of commonly used prefixes in the life sciences and linked data. The source data for this registry is a spreadsheet on Google called the Life Science Registry. This registry was previously known as Prefix Commons and was available at https://prefixcommons.org. download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prefixcommons/data-ingest/master/yml/lsregistry.yml example: CHEBI governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: community data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: public scope: life sciences status: active homepage: https://registry.bio2kg.org license: Public Domain name: Prefix Commons prefix: prefixcommons provider_uri_format: https://registry.bio2kg.org/resource/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true