@prefix aberowl: .
@prefix biocontext: .
@prefix bioportal: .
@prefix bioregistry: .
@prefix bioregistry.metaresource: .
@prefix bioregistry.schema: .
@prefix dc: .
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix fairsharing: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix obofoundry: .
@prefix ols: .
@prefix ontobee: .
@prefix orcid: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix xsd: .
bioregistry.metaresource:aberowl dcterms:hasPart aberowl:GENO .
bioregistry.metaresource:biocontext dcterms:hasPart biocontext:GENO .
bioregistry.metaresource:bioportal dcterms:hasPart bioportal:GENO .
bioregistry.metaresource:bioregistry dcterms:hasPart bioregistry:geno .
bioregistry.metaresource:fairsharing dcterms:hasPart fairsharing:FAIRsharing.kpbna7 .
bioregistry.metaresource:obofoundry dcterms:hasPart obofoundry:geno .
bioregistry.metaresource:ols dcterms:hasPart ols:geno .
bioregistry.metaresource:ontobee dcterms:hasPart ontobee:GENO .
bioregistry:geno a bioregistry.schema:0000001 ;
rdfs:label "Genotype Ontology" ;
dc:description """GENO is an OWL model of genotypes, their more fundamental sequence components, and links to related biological and experimental entities. At present many parts of the model are exploratory and set to undergo refactoring. In addition, many classes and properties have GENO URIs but are place holders for classes that will be imported from an external ontology (e.g. SO, ChEBI, OBI, etc). Furthermore, ongoing work will implement a model of genotype-to-phenotype associations. This will support description of asserted and inferred relationships between a genotypes, phenotypes, and environments, and the evidence/provenance behind these associations.
Documentation is under development as well, and for now a slidedeck is available at http://www.slideshare.net/mhb120/brush-icbo-2013"""^^xsd:string ;
dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:bioregistry ;
skos:exactMatch aberowl:GENO,
ols:geno ;
foaf:homepage "https://github.com/monarch-initiative/GENO-ontology/"^^xsd:string ;
bioregistry.schema:0000005 "0000632"^^xsd:string ;
bioregistry.schema:0000006 "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENO_$1"^^xsd:string ;
bioregistry.schema:0000008 "^\\d{7}$"^^xsd:string ;
bioregistry.schema:0000012 false ;
bioregistry.schema:0000019 orcid:0000-0002-1048-5019 .
orcid:0000-0002-1048-5019 rdfs:label "Matthew Brush" .
aberowl:GENO dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:aberowl .
obofoundry:geno dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:obofoundry .
ontobee:GENO dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:ontobee .
bioportal:GENO dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:bioportal .
biocontext:GENO dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:biocontext .
fairsharing:FAIRsharing.kpbna7 dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:fairsharing .
ols:geno dcterms:isPartOf bioregistry.metaresource:ols .