appears_in: - envo contact: email: github: ramonawalls name: Ramona Walls orcid: 0000-0001-8815-0078 depends_on: - bfo - caro - envo - go - iao - ncbitaxon - pato - ro deprecated: false description: The Population and Community Ontology (PCO) describes material entities, qualities, and processes related to collections of interacting organisms such as populations and communities. It is taxon neutral, and can be used for any species, including humans. The classes in the PCO are useful for describing evolutionary processes, organismal interactions, and ecological experiments. Practical applications of the PCO include community health care, plant pathology, behavioral studies, sociology, and ecology. download_obo: download_owl: example: '0000021' homepage: license: CC0-1.0 mappings: aberowl: PCO agroportal: PCO biocontext: PCO bioportal: PCO ecoportal: PCO fairsharing: FAIRsharing.vq28qp obofoundry: pco ols: pco ontobee: PCO name: Population and Community Ontology pattern: ^\d{7}$ preferred_prefix: PCO prefix: pco providers: [] publications: [] repository: synonyms: [] uri_format:$1 version: '2021-05-03'